Wood Duck

2/28/05 --- For the last two weeks a male Wood Duck, one of our most spectacularly beautiful waterfowl, has been visiting The Lake. More than a decade ago Wood Duck boxes were installed in various locations in the park, in hope of enticing this species to nest. But no luck. We'll have to be content with its annual visits.
Meanwhile, as spring approaches, signs of the oncoming season are everywhere. Yesterday a Woodcock was sighted in the Oven. [Of course I'm talking about a park location, not a kitchen appliance.]
There are buds on the forsythias. The Snowdrops are almost finished, and other bulbs are beginning to be seen. The sound of birdsong is much louder throughout the park, especially the House Finches, which began to sing a few weeks ago. The Cardinals are singing more persistently every day.
And, of course, Pale Male and Lola are...OK, I'll have to get used to it...copulating, many times a day, often to the accompaniment of loud cheers from the Hawk Bench. As they say, "In the spring a young hawk's fancy..."
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