Field Notes and Photo

June 29, 2005
Charlotte on nest with Empire State Building peeking out in background
Field Notes 6-28-05
Trump Parc Nest
Sunset 8:32PM (NYT),
Temp. 83F,
Mostly Cloudy, some rain,
Wind from the S and SW,
Humidity 89%,
Prey Tally-2 Pigeons.
All times PM unless otherwise noted.
6:30 Charlotte on E green eave of Hampshire House.
6:31 For those who remember Greyline the Sparrow who
accompanied me to the Hawk Bench as she had to be hand
fed every fifteen minutes or so, until the day the
fledgling Mourning Dove was left at the Bench by a
Fifth Ave. Super and Conrad had the brilliant idea to
introduce the teeny sesame seeds off bagels. Both
fledglings were able to ingest the tiny seeds , got
the idea, and were weaned on the spot, Greyline was
released today into the bosom of many gregarious
sparrows who accepted her immediately. She'll do just
6:33 Kestrel flies in from the E on CPS.
6:34 Kestrel dives at Charlotte as she sits on HH, by
the second Kestrel dive, Pale Male Jr. has arrived
from the W.
6:35 Charlotte up, Charlotte and Jr. circle to W with
Kestrel in pursuit.
6;36 Jean reports Hawks circling above Columbus Circle
at this time.
6:38 Hawk circles over Athletic Club.
6:39 Charlotte flies in from the W, Kestrel makes
contact three times, feathers go poof, while Charlotte
flies between the Essex and the Hampshire House.
Charlotte circles above Essex.
6:40 Both Kestrels strike at Charlotte from above
6:41 One Kestrel dives at angle towards Essex sign (on
of PMJ's favorite spots), Edna on 58th reports Junior
is just up from sign and evades Kestrel.
6:42 Charlotte to E chimney of the HH, Kestrel
continues striking at her.
6:43 Kestrel flies in from the E.
6:44 Second Kestrel joins first in diving at Charlotte
on HH Chimney.
6:46 PMJ sighted extremely high above action.
6:47 He and Kestrels fly E. Eyasses have not been
sighted as yet today. With limited observational
examples, the eyasses seem to keep a low profile
during hostilities.
7:05 Eyass laying with chin on edge of nest. She gets
up, wings are boppling around, she attempts to walk
upright across the nest, tips over onto face, gets up
totters to edge, positions herself and
defecates/slices off the nest. Bobbles back toward
center right of nest, disappears. Resting?
7:16 Previous eyass, nest right, head appears.
Charlotte to nest from HH, lands nest left,N, scans
territory, leans down.
7:17 Picks up red pigeon carcass walkes over to right
side of nest, S, feeds Eyass the Younger. Without
seeing Eyass the Older on nest left, none the less,
thick fecal matter appears and out of nest.
7:19 Charlotte continues to feed Eyass the Younger.
7:21 Junior above Athletic Club, goes into serious
hunting dive and disappears behind building.
7:39 Charlotte up and off nest with portion of pigeon
to behind HH.
7:57 Charlotte above HH, Jr. very high, chasing
kestrel to W past Athletic club.
8:04 Charlotte to HH chimney, Kestrel dives at her.
8:05 Kestrel?
8:09 Eyass walks to very edge of nest, looks down and
around, flops wings disjointedly.
8:12 Eyass on far right, goes towards corner.
8:26 Charlotte from HH Chimney to nest.
8:28 Charlotte preens.
8:32 Charlotte stares down at eyasses, scratches head,
portion of head feathers remain standing up.
8:33 Charlotte looks at Little Hill. (Goodnight
8:38 Eyass by wall pants slightly, Charlotte starts to
settle in.
8:50 Exit.
Submitted-Donna Browne
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