How many corbels?

D. Bruce Yolton, one of Central Park's nature photographers, sent in the picture above and wrote:
You're off by a bit in your description of which Trump Parc "corbel" the hawks' nest is on, as well as the number of corbels. Depending on if you count the corbel on the corner, it's either one or two back from the southern most one.
P.S. from Marie: Based on my view of the nest from the 65th floor of a building to the southwest of the Trump Parc Hotel, I'm not sure that thing sticking out at the corner of Bruce's photo is a corbel. But I'm in love with that word. I spent so many hours hunting through architectural reference books looking for it. And since no one has written in with a contradiction, I'd say I hit on the right name. Corbel.
So here's the corrected description:
There are 8 corbels on the west-facing facade of the 36th floor of the Trump Parc, and 5 on the 35th. The nest is on the 4th corbel of the 35th floor row, going from north to south.
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