Tyranus tyranus at the Model-boat Pond

Model-boat Pond -- June 2, 2005
The kingbird, a member of the flycatcher family, is not a very large bird, but its scientific name , Tyranus tyranus, gaves an inkling of this bird's disposition. It has been known to attack eagles if they show the poor judgement of wandering into its nesting territory. I rarely tell the story of my own observation of a Cape Cod kingbird escorting a golden eagle out of its territory riding on the raptor's back, pecking away at it until the eagle was a safe distance from the kingbird's nest, because I don't think people will believe me.
Lincoln photographed this Kingbird yesterday at the model-boat pond. These birds like to nest near water, so maybe we'll be lucky enough to have a nesting kingbird there. I think it would cheer up the hawkwatchers who still gather every day for their Pale Male and Lola sightings, keeping their spirits up, still hoping against hope that maybe the pair will make another nesting try and talking about next year.
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