A Monarch is born
Here's the Chrysalid to Monarch story, shown in a sequence of photographs I took with a Canon Powershot S410 Digital Elph.
The first was taken on September 10th, the day after the chrysalid was discovered in a bed of flowers by young Aiden Smith, aged four.
The photos taken yesterday morning and early afternoon are also labeled by minutes and seconds. Much of the dramatic action of the emergence happened within a period of a minute-- around 12:32 pm.

[note color of wings showing through
That inspired me to come have a look the next morning.]

[Everything happening very fast!]

At this point the butterfly had reached its complete size. It had to stay there until its wings dried before it could take flight. I had to leave at 1 pm. Eleanor Tauber, who also witnessed the butterfly's emergence, stayed another 1/2 hour. Also present: a woman named Elise or Lisa, who made an accomplished sketch of the chrysalid before the emergence. By the time Jim Lewis stopped by in the late afternoon the Monarch was gone. Only the empty chrysalid case remained.
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