And more letters about the nest failures
A recent spring migrant -- the Louisiana Waterthrush -- 4/27/06

Here are two letters I thought I posted a few days ago. Unfortunately I neglected to push the "Publish" button.
And talking about neglect: keeping up this website on a daily basis has been a great pleasure for me. But I have to put my present writing task on the front burner. I've been neglecting it. I'll try to post Central Park news as often as I can, but until I finish my book I may not update this page every day.
Arlene Katz writes:
Dear Marie
I'm thinking that these eggs must be collected and analyzed. The hawks are at the top of the Central Park food chain. What is in that food chain?
Thank you as always for keeping us updated.
I'm thinking that these eggs must be collected and analyzed. The hawks are at the top of the Central Park food chain. What is in that food chain?
Thank you as always for keeping us updated.
Rebecca A. Fronk adds a new concern:
I have not been able to keep up with the NYC Redtail nests as much as I would like to, and was very surprised by the latest news that neither nest might have chicks this year.
Weather seems to be playing a part in raptor nest failures from coast to coast. Extreme fluctuations in temperature and heavy downpours have been experienced across the U.S. this season. Gone are the days where Winter eases into Spring and the weather stays on its steady course into Summer. Could these increasing raptor nest failures be a reaction to global warming, or are we just more aware of them as, fortunately, there is more interest and cameras focused on our nation's raptor population?
Again, I am sorry to hear of your sad situation in NYC. Hopefully a little miracle might happen or be discovered. I appreciate your efforts to continue to document your famous pairs of beautiful Redtails and enjoy viewing the photos and reading the updates when I can.
Best wishes - Rebecca
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