Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Photo by Lincoln Karim - 2/4/07
For any readers in warm climates, just wanted you to know how cold it is in NYC and Central Park.

1. There were big stalactites formed around a leak in the Times Square subway station of the 1, 2, 3 lines this morning. Smaller stalactites at the Union Square Q, N, R, and W line.

2. Tomorrow's Early Birders walk cancelled on account of cold, first time in 12 years. [Maybe I'm just getting, well, not exactly young...]

3. And along the same line: Didn't go into the park today to help fill the feeders. Brrrrr. Met Dan Weaver [a young guy now in charge of the feeder-filling enterprise] at the 86th St subway entrance and handed over the weekly package of SUET for the birds. Whole Foods at Union Square generously gives it to me for free every Tuesday morning.

PS Dan reports a sapsucker [see above] at the suet feeder yesterday. Haven't seen that before.