Spring arrivals--avian and other

Judy Rabi reports [on ebirds] an amazing sighting on Sunday April 6:
Anne Lazarus, Taeko Tsujimoto, Louise F. and Pearl Broder saw an opposum in the Maintenance Field this morning.
Note: This may be a first for Central Park.
David & Liliana Speiser report on Saturday, April 5:
A first for the year: Blue-gray Gnatcactcher was singing by the East drive close to the statue of Sir Walter Scott. David's new website:
Judy Rabi reports another Sunday sighting:
At about 5:30 p.m. Yellow-rumped Warbler, female on the ground, hanging
out with the White-rumped Sparrows, near the feeders (or what's left of them) in the Maintenance field. I would have expected a male, at this somewhat early date.
Chris Karatnytsky writes to ebirds on Sunday, 4/5/08:
There was a large, gorgeous wild turkey walking in The Loch, not far from the bamboo, when I left. It's much bigger than the one that hung around Riverside Park a couple of years ago.
Last but not least, Alan Margolies reports that the Western Tanager was back in its usual spot near Winterdale Arch on Sunday.
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