Photo by Bruce Yolton -- May 28, 2009

Photos from NY Daily News
Five peregrine falcon chicks hatch atop three city bridges
As you all must know, Pale Male and Lola, Central Park's first breeding Red-tailed Hawks, haven't had a successful nest since 2004. That was the year the powers-that-be at 927 Fifth Ave, known far and wide as The Hawk Building, wantonly destroyed the nest where the hawks had been producing glorious chicks year after year for ten years. The "Update" in the 2005 edition of Red-tails in Love --p 273-287] tells the story of the nest-removal crisis.]
So for deprived Central Park hawkwatchers, and for Redtail fans from all over who read this page, I've included on this site that usually sticks to Central Park wildlife, two pictures of other urban redtail have had better luck than our pair.
The first photo was taken by Central Park bird photographer Bruce Yolton, who has been chronicling the progress of several city Redtail families.on his website http://www.urbanhawks.blogs.com . The photo shows a Red-tailed hawk nest in Riverside Park near the 79th St. Boat Basin. There are many other photos and even videos on his site :
A link to the second photo above, featuring three new Peregrine Falcon hatchlings on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, was sent in today by Central Park birder Jack Meyer.
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