The museum event
On July 8 I helped launch the paperback publication of Central Park in the Dark with a talk, reading and slide show at the American Museum of Natural History. After the talk the audience was invited to experience night in the park in real life. Among the largish group of people who showed up at Turtle Pond, where Star-gazing, bat-watching and insect-attracting stations had been set up, were Scott and Alla Sobel. Scott sent me a few photos he'd taken that night of some of the critters he'd encountered:
At the edge of Turtle Pond

At the moth light:

I'll send them to Hugh McGuinness, a moth expert who also plays a role in the book, and see if he can come up with IDs. I'll post them if he responds.
And many thanks to Scott Sobel! I hope the rest of you who were there had as good a time as I did. The rings of Saturn! The single clicking bat! The almost-full moon rising. The kids racing around from station to station!
Huge thanks also to the people at Picador Books and at the American Museum who helped organize the evening and made everything run smoothly.
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