Hummingbirds and a Big Day report

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Photographer David Speiser was in the park yesterday, sent in the sequence above, and wrote:
Hummingbirds seemed to be everywhere.
Meanwhile, there were a few [!] other migrants in the park that day. Tom Fiore writes:
Hi Marie,
Briefly, 9/16 was a good day for migrants in Central Park with more than 100 species of birds seen in or over the park, almost one-fourth of that species total being wood warblers (24 species of them). A single American Pipit was the most notable of birds that I observed in the park. There was no one obvious hot-spot - birds were in many areas however and there was at least some activity throughout the day, including some fly-over migration.
Tom Fiore
after Scott Haber, a New Jersey birder, sent a report to e-birds with his findintgs of the day Tom sent6 an addit6ional tally:
Hi Marie,
Scott's additional report places the wood warbler tally at 25 species with his mention of a Hooded Warbler, and his mention of Black-billed Cuckoo means that both of our cuckoo species was seen - this pretty much looks like a rather big day, possibly among the biggest of the fall so far for diversity. Incidentally this was echoed by active Brooklyn-Prospect Park birders who found at least 22 wood warbler species & many other migrants on Wednesday in Prospect Park.
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