Saw whet owl in park!

Northern Saw-whet in the Ramble -- March 19, 2010
Photo by David Speiser
Yesterday at 6:22 p.m. an exciting e-mail arrived from David Speiser:
Got a call, rushed in and was able to get these pictures of a very late arrival, this beautiful Northern Saw-whet Owl.
David also sent in the following report to eBirds:
Hi all,
There was a cooperative Northern Saw-whet Owl in the Ramble in Central Park today.
Sorry I cannot give out any more information on the location. Supposedly the bird was first found yesterday. So if you are going into CP keep your eyes and ears peeled. This species in the Spring is quite rare in CP, as Saw-whet's are usually found November-January.
Here is a link to a picture of the bird:
Good birding,
David Speiser
PS to everyone from Marie: Good luck! Happy owl-hunting!
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