BIG DAY yesterday: the Kentucky and 22 other warbler species

Photo by Barrie Raik
Tom Fiore sends in a report:
Hi Marie,
On Saturday, May 8th, Tom Perlman found a Kentucky Warbler along the Loch towards the end near the base of the Wildflower Meadow, the bird actually mostly on the north side and right by the flowing water. At least 8 birders got to see it fairly well, and Barrie Raik has some photos. The warbler was not singing, and unfortunately did not oblige for those who came a bit later in the afternoon seeking the skulking- hopping warbler. It was actually the second one reported from the park; an earlier one in the Tanner's Spring area was seen by perhaps just 2 observers.
In addition to the Kentucky at least 22 additional species of warblers were found by many observers throughout the park in the north end & in the Ramble area. Many of the birds seen may have been newly arrived migrants. There was a noticeable increase in various flycatchers, including Olive-sided (in the north end) and many other species of migrants. Perhaps the NW winds Saturday & Sunday will keep some of the newly-arrived birds here in Central Park for a bit longer.
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