Tuesday, April 08, 2014


Pat Pollack reports:

4/7/14, Monday
Reservoir:  2 Red-breasted Mergansers on south mid section 2:30pm, 10 or more DC Cormorants, Buffleheads, No. Shovelers
Louisiana Waterthrush @ Point (end, but skittish and only brief look  as it flew from west edge to east and couldn't pick it up thereafter)
Also @ Point, beautiful Winter Wren , 1 Black-crowned Night Heron, Swamp Sparrow.
@ Upper Lobe, Rusty Blackbird in and under Willow
Hermit Thrushes & Fox sparrows, Chipping Sp. @ Feeders.
2 Redtails on & around pinnacle of San Remo towers yesterday & today 
Downy Woodpecker building nest in Willow @ Upper Lobe
Goldfinches, Swamp Sp. @ Gill
Northern Flickers, Red-bellied W.P., Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, abundant Song Sps., another Winter Wren @ Hernshead,
Black-capped Chickadees
Anne Lazarus et al had 2 Palm Warblers at circle in Pinetum

4/6/14, Sunday

Louisiana Waterthrush seen @ Upper Lobe from Oak Bridge & @ Balcony Bridge
Palm Warbler @ grassy meadow west of Tripletts Bridge & Winter Wren
5 Black-crowned Night Herons @ end of Point festooned in trees at end of path
first-of-season Mourning Cloak butterfly for me
Cowbird @ Feeders

PS: Thanks for these great reports, Pat.  [Marie]
