Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Cape May Warbler at Turtle Pond

Cape May Warbler - photo by LLOYD SPITALNIK Central Park 5/13/2008
http:// www.Lloydspitalnikphotos.com

Joe Dicostanzo posted this on eBirdsNYC today [May 6] at 2pm. Cape Mays sometimes hang around for a while. So this bird may still be there tomorrow  [Wednesday].  That's why I'm posting this now:

I haven’t seen it posted, though I believe it has been texted – there is a beautiful male Cape May Warbler frequenting the south side of Turtle Pond. It apparently has been seen off and on since this morning. At about 1:00 pm it was about half way along the south side path. Also along here on a lunchtime check I saw Yellow, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green (several), Blackburnian (male), Black-and-white, Nashville (perhaps 2), and Prairie warblers, Northern Parula, Baltimore Oriole, and Scarlet Tanager (female).

Joseph DiCostanzo
Great Gull Island Project - AMNH