A Field Report and Another Look at the Peregrine Battle
A Field Report and Another Look at the Peregrine Battle
Field Notes 3/1/2005
3:40PM Lola perched reversed on Linda 3. Two
Peregrines flew in from the east and began diving at
Pale Male. No contact but much weaving and aerial
gyrations including Pale Male turning ventral up,
talons at the ready.
4:00PM Peregrines fly south pursued by Pale male
4:03PM Pale Male returns to Linda 3, copulation
(Above observations received from Stella Hamilton and
Katherine Herzog)
4:04PM Pale Male flies to nest, inspects and arranges
nesting material, surveys the area
4:40PM Pale Male off nest, circles over Oreo and
circles Ship Shape
4:43PM Lola still perched in reverse on Linda 3, Pale
Male flies to Linda 3, copulation
4:44PM Lola reversed perched on right of Linda 3, Pale
Male forward perched left of Linda 3
5:09PM Pale Male up and perches on railing of Ship
Shape near dishes.
5:10PM Pale Male up with speed, Peregrine from north
and above dives, Pale Male rolls. Peregrine and Pale
Male go north. Second Peregrine seen zipping from
north to south nest level towards Lola. Lola though
still reversed perched almost intercepts, chases
Peregrine south with vigor.
5:11PM Red-tail call from south
(Distracted by information seeking tourists)
5:30PM Pale Male and Lola both perched Linda 3
5:40PM French Tourists borrow field glasses, both
birds perched Linda 3
5:45PM Field glasses returned, Pale Male gone
6:06PM Quite dark, Lola still perched Linda 3,roost?
6:06-7:04 Unable to find Pale Male's roost
Submitted Donna Browne,
Yet another Observer of the Peregrine Attack
Tues, Mar 1 (2:30 - 5:05pm): Little action until 3:45 when Pale Male encountered one, and then two peregrine falcons above the nest. An intense aerial "dog-fight" went on for several minutes as the two falcons took turns diving at very high speed at Pale Male. Eventually, Pale drove them off but it was quite alarming for the hawk watchers standing helplessly by. I have usually seen Lola join in driving off attacking or intruding birds but she sat on Linda #3 facing toward the window. About 20 minutes later Pale Male joined her there and mated with her. Pale Male then flew to the nest and starting moving and checking the sticks and twigs. At 4:45 Pale Male flew to Lola at Linda #3 and mated again....they sat there side by side as I left the park at 5:05pm.
Katherine Herzog
Karen Anne Kolling wrote, after reading the Blakeman on Pigeons:
This is now starting to make some sense to me.
But how do they capture rats?
Probably the same way. The rats are probably eating the food put out for the birds.
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