Field Notes from the Hawk Bench --and a quick note about the screech owls
Field Notes From The Bench
Saturday, 4/09/2005

photo by Lincoln Karim 6April05
Screech-owl after Flyout
Sunset 7:29PM,
Temp. 64F,
Wind ESE 7-12MPH,
Gusts to 20MPH,
Prey Tally-Blue Bar Pigeon
Early Report-Commissioner Kelly watches the Hawks.
Ric gives him a photograph. The Boat Pond water is
still remarkably blue.
5:02PM Pale Male on lamp 1, Carlyle roof. Lola
sitting nest.
5:03PM Lola stands, beak to concave of nest, some
small digging.
5:05PM Lola settles into nest, tail to bench.
5:08PM Lola shifts head to bench, alert to W.
5:09PM Lola, head full up, eyes due W., Pale Male Lamp
1 Carlyle.
5:22PM Pale Male still lamp 2. Lola still looks W, now
through nest twigs.
5:28PM Pale Male gone. Mallard count:4
5:32PM Lola disappears into nest.
5:36PM Lola stands up, preens chest, shoulders,
5:38PM Lola down.
5:52PM Lola alert to W.
6:19PM Lola's head completely visible, looking S.
6:28PM Pale Male lands left nest, half Blue Bar pigeon
to Lola. Lola takes several bites tail to bench,
while Pale Male alert, then she's up, taking her
pigeon, flies N disappears into trees and past Oreo.
6:32PM Pale Male surveys nest, turns eggs, digs,
settles in tail to N, head to S.
6:42PM Lola returns, gets Pale Male off eggs. ?
6:43PM Pale Male up.
6:45PM Lola settles in.
6:51PM Pale Male perched top railing Green Shade
6:55PM Sun off nest.
7:05PM Golden Light Fifth Ave.
Screech Owl family flyout, 7:42PM
Submitted-Donegal Browne
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