Blakeman on today's Pale Male photo

This photo, taken on May 1, 2005, was posted on this morning. John Blakeman, [who checks in to both Lincoln's and my website daily,] scrutinized it and sent the following letter:
The picture today on Lincoln's site showing an immature red-tail closing in on Pale Male is interesting. First, the bird is a male. Notice that it's just about the same size as Pale Male. A first-year female would be markedly larger. Birds in their first year's plumage actually appear a bit larger than adults. Notice the slightly longer tail on the pursuing bird. First-year birds have slightly longer flight feathers, both in wings and the tail, because they are not quite as strong as adults, so they need more wing area for good flight and soaring.
Observers should never think that birds just fledged are "small babies." In just size, they are larger than the adults of the same sex. They have longer flight feathers. But they are not nearly as muscular and weigh less. Building strong flight and leg muscles is a major process for the birds in their first year. Longer feathers accommodate this.
Observers should never think that birds just fledged are "small babies." In just size, they are larger than the adults of the same sex. They have longer flight feathers. But they are not nearly as muscular and weigh less. Building strong flight and leg muscles is a major process for the birds in their first year. Longer feathers accommodate this.
Notice also that the pursuing immature has two gaps in its wings. Its molt has begun. The first two wing feathers have dropped, and Lincoln's photo shows a black spot at the base of the lost feather opening. This is the new feather beginning to descend. It will take about two weeks for both to grow down and harden. In the meantime, the new feathers are said to be "in the blood." They are rather delicate and can be easily broken. If so, they do not repair themselves. The feather injury and deformation lasts until the next molt next spring. This is why feathers are molted one at a time over many months. The soft new feathers will be protected by the hard old adjacent ones. When the new feathers harden, an adjacent old one will drop. Molting will continue well into September or October, depending on the individual.
Our adults will soon loose their first flight feathers and open gaps will be seen soon. Adults usually begin the molt later than immatures. They don't always drop all their feathers, especially the coverts, the smaller body covering feathers. Close inspection of adults will often reveal two-year old contour feathers.
By the way, should anyone happen across a gorgeous red tail feather (or any other) that has been dropped, refrain the strong impulse to retrieve it and take it home. Yes, the feathers are beautiful, and that's why they were used so extensively on women's hats a century ago. Wholesale slaughter of wild birds for fashion usage nearly wiped out a host of species. Had it not been for the National Audubon Society's efforts, along with others, wild bird protection laws such as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act would not have passed. Even more species would have gone extinct. But remember that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (and other laws) deliberately prohibit the possession (not just the killing) of listed species OR THEIR PARTS. You cannot legally pick up a hawk (or blue jay, or northern cardinal, etc.) feather and take it home, for any purpose. (Pigeons, English sparrows, and starlings are exempt from the MBTA.) In all but one case (to follow), let the feather sit. You will save yourself a lot of law enforcement trouble.
I imagine only one acceptable case where anyone should retrieve a red-tailed hawk feather. If anyone happens to be watching a Central Park red-tail preen on its roost, and you see a large feather fall and can retrieve it, do so. If you can, try to identify the hawk from which it dropped, preferably Lola or Pale Male. Try not to touch the base of the feather. If you can, put it in a clean plastic bag. Then call the New York state wildlife authority (I'm an Ohioan, so I don't know specifically what it is, but your fish and game authority, or department of natural resources will be listed somewhere. A Google search will pop it up quickly.) Indicate that you have retrieved a known feather from a known Central Park red-tailed hawk and that you request information on how it should be donated so DNA analysis might someday be done on it. Probably no one presently is doing such studies, but DNR should wish to archive the feather for future studies. Specifically, ask the authorities how you should properly dispose of the feather, especially given its important provenance.
All of this is an outside possibility, but more people watch roosting and preening red-tails in Central Park than probably anywhere else. And the DNA of the red-tails there are more valuable and interesting than anywhere else, too.
One other observation. There is the smallest little gap, a very slight V at the center, trailing edge of the photo's immature red-tail. I'm betting that if the bird were to have fanned it's tail, a gap would have been seen there, too. A single tail feather has also been dropped.
John A. Blakeman
Postscript from Marie: A few weeks ago, spurred on by Donna Browne, I spoke to someone at the Natural History Museum [AMNH] about a possible study that would do DNA analyses of the various Central Park Redtails. The purpose would be to try to understand if any of them are related. The initial response was very positive! Now to write a proposal...
John A. Blakeman
Postscript from Marie: A few weeks ago, spurred on by Donna Browne, I spoke to someone at the Natural History Museum [AMNH] about a possible study that would do DNA analyses of the various Central Park Redtails. The purpose would be to try to understand if any of them are related. The initial response was very positive! Now to write a proposal...
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