Field Notes -- by popular demand and two relevant photos

Connie English, [a website correspondent] and
Norma Collin, a Regular, at the Hawk Bench on May 9, 2005.
Photo by Marie Winn's cellphone camera [!]

a peak migration birdwatcher horde
[there were about 35 more people to the right]
8:00 a.m. 5/11/05 at the Maintenance Meadow
Photo by Marie's cellphone camera
Mai Stewart, a frequent correspondent, writes:
I love Donna's fieldnotes, and, if she's able to do it, would love to continue to read day-by-day reports, at least until the hawks abandon this nest -- but if that's too much, then as often as she can. In any case, she has given us wonderfully detailed, fascinating information, which almost makes me feel as tho I've seen the hawks up-close myself. Many thanks to all, Lincoln, Donna and you, for keeping us so close to, and helping us stay involved in, this very special part of life.
Here, then, are Donna's Field Notes for May 12. In studying them, I would say that an end to the Fifth Avenue Hawk's nesting season is approaching. Lola is leaving the nest for longer periods of time, and the nest is beginning to be left unattended for longer periods of time. Perhaps like the hundreds of birdwatchers now filling the park's woodlands with excited little cries of "Did you get the Blackburnian Warbler?" "No, but did you get the Black-billed Cuckoo?" , Pale Male and Lola are taking time off from their extra-long nest vigil to do a little birdwatching at the very peak of the north-bound migration.
Field Notes 5-12-05
Sunset 8:04PM (NYT),
Temp. 67F,
Wind NNE 5-14MPH,
Gusts to 18MPH,
Humidity 32%,
Prey Tally- 1 pigeon.
All times PM unless otherwise noted.
Stella reports nest exchange at approx. 2:30, Lola
off, Pale Male on. At one point Pale Male left the
nest in an attempt to get Lola to return, she did not
and Pale Male returned to sit the nest.
4:05 Pale Male on the nest. A Kestral flies from the
W over the MB Pond and disappears E between 927 and
4:15 Pale Male alert towards Ramble.
4:31 Still staring toward Ramble.
5:04 Sits nest head to S, watching NW.
5:07 Stands up, digs, moves twig.
5:28 Pale Male stares through twigs to NW.
5:32 Pale Male off nest to Ramble, Lola up Madison.
5:38 Lola on Stovepipe, moves to step down, then to
railing at rear, eats portion of pigeon.
5:41 Whets beak to left side, then to right, errant
feather flaps, steps further right on railing.
5:43 Off railing and down Madison Ave. Nest still
5:45 Pale Male arrives on nest.
5:48 Lola to nest, Pale Male off, Lola scratches head.
Some head feathers remain sticking up. Pale Male
circles up to Rusty Top, Lola stands on nest alert W.
5:49 Lola standing in concave, bends in, then preens
5:51 Lola down.
5:52 Lola stands, head to concave, then down, head to
6:18 Lola stands, resituates and down, head to N.
6:22 Gull from over 927 from E to over MB Pond to N.
6:38 Lola head up, alert to N and W.
6:46 Lola off nest to N and perches railing of
STovepipe, partial back to bench.
6:48 Lola on back corner of railing, Stovepipe.
7:06 Lola up and circles.
7:08 Lola to nest.
7:10 Pale Male to nest from W, then Lola down Madison
from 72nd.
7:30 Pale Male still on nest.
7:31 Exit.
Submitted-Donna Browne
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