Info about the new edition of Red-tails in Love

It's not that I'm trying to peddle my book here. That's not the purpose of this page of my website. But I keep getting mail from readers who are looking for the new edition published last April. When people go on the Amazon or Barnes and Noble websites to try to order it, there seems to be no way of telling whether they will receive the old or new edition . That's because the publisher did not assign a new ISBN number to the new edition. There was a good reason, when that decision was made, but it's too complicated to go into here.
If you look at the image of the book cover on Amazon or BN with your trusty magnifying glass you'll see that it IS the new edition--at the bottom is the line "updated Edition -- Ten Years Later. They just don't spell it out in the copy about the book on the website. My publisher assures me that the big Internet sites are now sending out the new edition.
Nevertheless, if you want to be sure you get the updated one, and if you want to support an independent bookseller [always a good idea] here is a nice one who has promised to stock up on the new edition and who will take phone, fax or e-mailed orders:
Linda Ellis
J. Michaels Books
160 E. Broadway
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 342-2002
FAX: (541) 342-7690
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