Sunday, July 17, 2005

Another Trump-Parc Hawk-watcher in a new spot

Ben Cacace has beeen observing raptor action at the south end of Central Park for many years. He was the first to be aware of Junior's previous nesting attempts: two at the same place on the Trump-Parc as this year's successful one and one, also unsuccessful,  on a tree near the vantage point he is describing in the letter below:. He has also been observing a pair [or perhaps a succession] of Peregrine Falcons that regularly roost on the Sherry Netherland Hotel in that area.


I try to view the nest as often as possible and return to my original place of observation which allowed me to view the 'nesting' Peregrines and the nesting Red-tailed Hawks on Trump Parc. It also offers a wide vista of Central Park South so you can see the comings and goings of the adults. This is towards the NW corner of Heckscher Ballfields.

Yesterday the female attemted to take a pigeon that was perched on the red peaked roof just east of Trump Parc. A sudden twist of her wings above the roof revealed her intentions. She didn't return to the nest before I left at 6:20p to see if she succeeded.

Today, from 5:30 to just past 6 (just like yesterday), the nestlings were not active. One appeared to be inadvertently shading the other (on both days) as one of the adults was perched on the 1st E in Essex.
BTW, which hawk is molting the middle feather(s) of its tail? Is this the female?

All the best.


PS from Marie: I don't know the answer to Ben's question. I'll ask Donna.