Elusive warbler seen by many and missed by a few

The Connecticut Warbler , a shy, rarely seen bird that passes through this area only during its fall migration, has been fulfilling the dreams of many Central Park birdwatchers during the last four days. A bird that skulks in the underbrush and is usually seen for a second or two at most as it darts in and out of of the understory, this one, [we assume it's one individual bird] has been rewarding patient birders with long looks. It has even posed for photographs by some of the park's best photographers. Yesterday f0r most of the day it made stunning appearances along the west side of The Lake.
This morning the Early Birders stalked the Connecticut Warbler along the Lake from the Lower Lobe to Hernshead, back and forth, hoping against hope that it was still around. No luck. It had moved on, as warblers do. We'll have to make do with Ardith and Lloyd's great photographs.
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