Owl heroics and owl acrobatics

Last night [1/20/06] the fly-out gang was honored by the presence of Ed Lam, distinguished artist and author of Damselflies of the Northeast. [A.O Wilson has called this book "a small masterpiece". Here's a link to Ed's website: http://homepage.mac.com/edlam/] Ed took the two pictures at the top when the owl was nobly perched quite near the trunk of his latest roosting tree a bit to the west of the previous day's location.
A few minutes before the owl's 5:20 departure into the night, he moved out to a thin branch. There he performed the acrobatics captured by Bruce Yolton in the three photos below. Bruce's headline and caption is:
Great Horned Owl Yoga
Some pre-fly-out stretches. What should we call the last one? The DeLorean?

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