Monday, January 16, 2006

OWL News

Yesterday Jack Meyer's report of his daily bird walk did not include the Great Horned Owl. Uh oh. But then various determined birders -- notably Bruce Yolton and Tom Fiore -- scoured the Ramble and found the Grand Duke or Duchess roosting in a tree not very far from its original roost. I'm afraid I was deterred from attending the fly-out by rain and a swift drop of the thermometer from he 50's to the 20's. But a few hardy owl-worshippers were undaunted. Photographer and Early Birder Ardith Bondi sent me a report this morning:

Hi Marie-

For the record, after Tom Fiore found the GHO for us yesterday at about
4PM, we watched it fly out. It left its perch at 5:15 and flew to a few
more perches before going towards the Lake. As we were carefully trying
not to slip on the ice in the dark on our way to Bow Bridge, we caught a
glimpse of it flying over the water just east of the bridge. There were
lots of alarm calls from the ducks on the far shore.


Stay warm-


Note: I don't know who found the owl first. I know Tom is usually out bright and early. But again for the record, I know Bruce Yolton saw it at 11:30 yesterday morning.