New York City has no monopoly on creeps
Read 'em and weep. From yesterday's Boston Globe:

A red-tailed hawk fed its chick in their nest on a ledge at 6 Beacon St. in mid-May 2005. Yesterday (bottom photo), only a few sticks were on the ledge as the hawks rebuilt. (Photos by David L. Ryan/ Globe Staff)
The pair of red-tailed hawks that have made their home on an 11th-story ledge overlooking the Boston Common in the last year have become beloved residents of the neighborhood. In office buildings and homes for blocks around, their likenesses are on computer screensavers, in desktop picture frames, sent by e-mail from one bird-lover to the next.
But suspicion has suddenly torn through the little community of hawk-watchers. The birds' nests have repeatedly disappeared. Daily observers of the ledge at 6 Beacon St. say that the twig home first vanished last month. The hawks rebuilt, stick by stick. But the nest was soon gone again, and the birds once again rebuilt. Some say that, in all, three nests have mysteriously vaporized. The latest was Tuesday morning, and fingers are now being pointed.