RUSTY BLACKBIRD and leaf litter in the Ramble
Rusty Blackbird at Gill - 11/9/06
Photo by Lloyd Spitalnik
Fall leaf litter pix and an acorn quiz.
Please write in your thoughts about Acorns 1-3. [some may be the same!]
Acorn 1.
Acorn 2.
Acorn 3
Pin oak
Predominantly Ginkgo leaves
More about leaf litter:
Recently, in a posting about red bats hibernating in leaf litter, I wrote to Regina Alvarez, the park's Woodlands Manager, expressing a hope that leaf litter remain undisturbed in the Ramble, and that leaf blower use be limited. Here's her answer:
Marie -
It has been a long time now that the staff has been informed not to use blowers in the Ramble and the North Woods unless there is a large leaf project (which are very few, generally we just clear leaves off paths and sometimes from the few lawn areas) in the fall, or if they are cleaning up after a tree project. If you see staff in the woodlands
using blowers for anything other than these instances, please let me
know and I will speak with them.
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