Monday, November 26, 2007


Bruce Yolton [ ] took this funny picture of mammalian and avian ears on November 16, 2007.. That screech owl has since moved, probably disturbed by workers pruning its roosting tree near the model-boat pond. Yesterday five owl seekers-- Lee, Jimmy, Jean, Naomi and I -- searched for owls [or rather, for evidence of owls such as whitewash and pellets] in known owl roosts in the Ramble.

We didn't find any. We did see a nuthatch, a chickadee, a very friendly downy woodpecker pecking a mere foot away from us, many MANY grackles preparing to return to their night roost in the plaza outside the Plaza hotel, and Pale Male, making several gracious appearances.

Meanwhile, according to diligent birder Chris Karatnytsky, who walks her dog Fig every evening in the vicinity of the Pool at 101st Street and Central Park West,
there is still a pair of owls being seen and especially being heard there.