Black-throated Gray Warbler

An exciting report was posted on ebirds this afternoon by David Speiser, who discovered the bird and sent me the photos above:
A Black-throated Gray Warbler was seen at Tanner's Spring in Central Park from about 9:45 am-12:15 PM. The bird made 4 trips to Tanner's during that time. As of 3:15 PM the bird has not been relocated. Tanner's Spring is located a short distance from the West 81st entrance. Walk about 100 yards northeast and you will find a little
spring. The bird had had also been seen in the tall Oaks around Tanner's as well.
For those of you [like me] who were away from computers and phones today and missed this extremely rare visitor, don't despair. The following appeared on eBirds within the last half hour:
The Black Throated Gray Warbler was seen by many and photographed again at Tanner's Spring at about 6:20 PM on Sunday. Will it stay????
Jacob Drucker
More photos by David Speiser may be viewed at the following link:
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