Birding on Labor Day

Here's Pat Pollock's Labor Day bird report, as it appeared today on e-birds:
Site: Ramble & vicinity
Date: Monday, 9/1/08
Reported by Pat Pollock
The narrow path up from an arch (up from "Bankrock Bridge") on northside among berry trees & shrubs Tennessee Warbler - (tips from Starr & Rhoda)
Matthew & I stayed a long time and finally were rewarded with close, beautiful looks
Also, Ovenbird, Black-throated Blue w.'s, B&W, Magnolias, Common Yellowthroat, Redstart. 9/2/08 Tues., only saw Black-throated Blue w.'s
Wild Turkey was roaming the Tupelo Meadow 9/1, Cape May at Bow Bridge,
Phoebe at Upper Lobe, 2 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in Maintenance Field "meadow".
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