An old moth story revisited
A few days ago I received an unexpected e-mail that read [in part]:
Hi Marie,
I happened to stumble across your website by way of this page : I know this is WAY after the fact but I thought you might want to know that the moth you identified as Paonias excaecatus is actually Amorpha juglandis >
Best regards, Lawrence
Wow, a correction of something I'd posted three years earlier!
I followed the link to my website archives and found a photo [#1 below] taken by Nan Brodsky on June 13, 2005. I had gone through the one and only moth Field Guide and various internet sites and finally decided that it was a Blinded Sphinx --[see #2 below] I posted that ID on this website on June 17, 2005.
Then, three years later, when Lawrence wrote in to say the ID was wrong, I checked it out again. When I looked at a photo of the moth Lawrence was suggesting, I could immediately see that HE WAS RIGHT.
Better late than never. For the record, the moth in the photo Nan Brodsky sent in on June 14, 2005 is NOT a Blinded Sphinx. It is a Walnut Sphinx, [#3, below.] You can check it out for yourself.
#1. Nan's photo of her mystery moth taken on July 13, 2005

#2 The Blinded Sphinx, Paonias excaecatus. my ID, [photo from John Himmelman's website] posted on this site on June 17, 2005

#3. The Walnut Sphinx - Amorpha juglandis --from the Moth Photographers website

As Lawrence added in his e-mail, all the moths in this particular family resemble dead leaves when they are in their resting position.
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