Obviously to err is human...

In regard to yesterday's post, Blogger Robert B Schmunk http://bloomingdalevillage.blogspot.com writes:
The image you posted on your blog on Wednesday is obviously not a real photo. The moon in the image is about 15 times wider than the sun. But when seen from the surface of Earth, the moon and the sun subtend almost exactly the same angular distance. That they are the same apparent width is why solar eclipses are so darned interesting, with the "diamond necklace" effect when they line up perfectly. Some Googling reveals that the image is a piece of art done by a German named Inga Nielsen. Her homepage is at http://nielsen.sp01.ab-webspace.de/ and the image is in her gallery at http://nielsen.sp01.ab-webspace.de/gallery/details.php?image_id=63 There's also a piece about it on the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day at http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap060620.html about this.
Here is the text from the NASA site, that appeared on June 20, 2006 :
Illustration Credit & Copyright: Inga Nielsen
PS Here's a link to bookmark for the Astronomy Picture of the Day, provided by Mary Birchard: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod
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