Rebekah's report on the continued North Woods cleanup
Rebekah Creshkoff continues to monitor the storm damage and clean-up in the north part of Central Park: [This report was sent in on Saturday, but maddening troubles uploading images on this computer have delayed my posting of it.]

The log piles and woodchip piles have been growing each day. On Friday, they set up a cyclone fence between the log pile and the cinder path on top of the Great Hill.
Now you can see clear to midtown from the formerly forested SW corner of the Great Hill.
A second log pile extends along the slope of the Great Hill.
Heavy machinery in the Loch on Friday. This was a forested island where, some years ago, a part-Muscovy duck nested in base of a hollow trunk. Its gone now.
Compared to the 360-degree experience of being there, it's hard to convey the scope of the loss through pictures. I hope this hints at it.
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