Good or not-so-good migration?

Tom Fiore reports to on the general migration picture today:
Tom Fiore reports to on the general migration picture today:
Labor Day, 6 Sept., 2010
I would point out that in the NYC area there have been some bird reports suggesting relatively little migration in the past several days (while there are also simultaneous reports from NYC locations indicating fairly good migrant passage & stop-over). In fact, my understanding is that there has been tremendous southward migration lately and that a great deal of that has been nocturnal and of such duration that many birds have sailed past the NYC region to points south. This is supported at least somewhat by voluminous various reports from sites in southern New Jersey, Pennsylavania, Delaware, and elsewhere in the region just south of New York (and from personal bird-related messages from others in the field). Interesting are the numbers of Black-capped Chickadees migrating in some areas (including smallish numbers moving through at Central Park, NYC) & of course, the ongoing movements of Red-breasted Nuthatches, rather widely reported and observed recently.
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