Thursday, October 07, 2010

...and perch on it

Photos courtesy of
taken on October 6, 2010

Bill Trankle, a long time correspondent from Indianapolis, writes:

Marie, could you enlighten me as to the identity/purpose of the bamboo contraption that Lincoln Karim [] caught Pale Male sitting in yesterday? He notes it's behind the Met, so I don't know if this is some art installation or leftover set work, or some other . . . something. Have you ever seen it?

I enlightened Bill by sending him a link [below] from the New York Times. And in the course of finding it I learned that the exhibit closes on Oct 31st. Good reminder; I've been putting off paying the roof garden a visit. Now I'll be sure to go during the next few weeks.

There are more great photos of Pale Male at the Met on the site. Below is another: