Unusual Sparrow today! [and a helpful PS]
Clay-colored Sparrow at Grassy Knoll, Central Park, NYC, 10:45 AM, seen & reported by Malcolm Morris and Brenda Inskeep.
Clay-colored Sparrow --
North Dakota-- 6/1/2009
Helpful PS from Ken Gale:
Debbie Allen saw the Clay-Colored Sparrow at about noon and 1 PM. Both
of us saw it around 2:30. It even perches in the open on a fence
sometimes. It's in winter plumage with a very pronounced gray neck.
The head has what I like to call the "typical mid-western sparrow look."
I think I should describe where the Grassy Knoll is. Sylvia said it's
actually to the west of where we were seeing the sparrow.
If you walk along the East Side Drive in Central Park, somewhat past
102nd St on the left (west) will be a grassy knoll with several
fenced-in patches of brushy flowers (butterfly bush, etc.) The
Clay-Colored Sparrow likes various patches. Asking a Park employee
where the grassy knoll is liable to get you an answer of, "There's no
such place."
Happy bird-day,
Ken Gale
Eco-Logic, WBAI 99.5FM, NYC
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