Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Berries - a photo Essay by MURRAY HEAD and a PS

Hi Marie,

A tree grows on a slope north-west of Cedar Hill...
whose berries were ripe for the pickin'.
as a flock of juvenile Cedar Waxwings discovered.
in they flew, out they flew, and now those berries are missin'.

October 1, 2012

PS and here's a list from this morning, sent in by PAT POLLACK:
10/2/12, Tuesday

Before the rain (11:45 am) very birdy in Ramble, Str. Flds, Main. Fld. - more birds than we've had before this fall:

Black Thr. Blues/Greens
Com. Yellowthroats
Palm W's
Prairie W. (Main. Fld.)
No. Parulas
Nashville (Andrew - MF)
Black & White W's
Hooded Warbler (south end of Str. Flds. - seen by others)
Woodthrushes 2
Swainson's Thrushes
Wh. br. Nuthatches
Cedar Waxwings
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers
Eastern Towhees
Brown Thrashers
Red-eyed Vireos
Red-br. Nuthatch
Winter Wren (John Beauchamp)

(Richard's group spent 2 hrs. in Str. Fld and may have had other birds not listed here)