Remember the Screech Owls?

You may wonder what's happened to the screech-owl family up in the North Woods. Two days ago a small group of us re-visited their old pine tree day roost and after weeks of absence at that place--there they were ! The kids are looking moie and more like the adults. But the family is still together.
They flew out at a little before 8:00 p.m. and obligingly hung around a little ridge right near their day roost for at least 15 minutes. The kids still made their chittering "feed-me feed-me" sounds. But now they seem to have learned the screech-owl whinny as well. As we stood there we heard the downward musical song coming at us from all directions.
No photograohers there that day. So the picture you see above is ten days old. Maybe I'll entice Lincoln or Cal to take another visit during the next few days. The owl family won't stay together for much longer. Soon they'll be dispersing--the kids to hunt on their own. And the fun of watching five owls frolicking in a small space will be over.
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