Field Notes - June 15, 2005
Before reading, note the temperature. The noble hawks and hawkwatchers have been sweltering in a late spring New York City heat wave. Relief at last.
Field Notes 6-15-05
Sunset 8:30PM,
Temp. 80F,
Partly sunny,
Humidity 53%,
Prey Tally-Rat, Pigeon.
All times PM unless otherwise noted.
Trump Parc Pair
6:25 Charlotte on extreme west edge of nest, beak
tucked in.
6:35 Charlotte goes to mid point of nest edge, leans
down, ripping prey motions, eats several bites.
6:44 Charlotte up and flies toward Columbus Circle.
6:47 Junior to nest, Charlotte into sight above
Hampshire House and Essex.
6:48 Charlotte to nest.
6:49 Jr. up, circles above Trump disappears over HH.
6:50 Jr. reappears still circling HH, patroling area.
6:52 Jr. disappears behind Essex, Kentaurian and Jean
go to track his perch down.
6:53 Charlotte feeds holding bites in her beak while
the eyass takes them from the beak herself.
7:03 Charlotte eats also.
7:12 Charlotte very alert, then up and behind
Hampshire house.
7:14 Charlotte back to nest.
7:18 Peregrine appears high above HH. Charlotte very
7:20 Charlotte works beak,(calls).
7:22 Jr. over Park W of nest circling, then circles
or=ver the Athletic Club, then circling further into
Park. Charlotte tensed and alert.
7:24 Jr. goes behind Essex sign. I take off for 58th.
7:30 Jr. sighted coming off of Essex sign.
7:45 Junior from the W, circles, then to nest.
Charlotte lowers herself as he comes in. She stares
at his feet/prey. He continues to stand on prey, she
goes over very low between his feet and takes prey
with her beak and goes center of nest. Junior waits,
Charlotte leans over prey, rips off small piece and
gives it to him beak to beak, he immediately flies off
nest. (Behavior not seen at 927 Nest.)
7:48 Junior to W towards Columbus Circle, Veronica at
CC, sees him circling there.
8:06 Jr back to nest, Charlotte low as he lands.
Charlotte stares at eyasses, Jr. scans territory.
8:08 Charlotte and Jr. both watch eyasses with focus.
8:12 Junior off and to Essex House sign.
8:17 Charlotte settles into nest.
8:25 Exit.
Submitted-Donna Browne
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