Grackle Update
Common Grackle

That may be why the grackles and starlings I've been monitoring for the last few months -- certainly more than a thousand birds-- are still using the trees as a communal night roost . They flocks start arriving these days about 4:15 , and by a few minutes after 5--that is, fifteen or 20 minutes after sunset -- night has fallen and the birds are settling in for the night.
I know that the large numbers of tourists milling around the Pulitzer fountain, looking up at the shapely though clothing-deficient Goddess [Pomona] at the fountain's top, do not read this website, for not a single one of them ever seems to notice the drama taking place in front of their very eyes -- a huge, humongous number of birds funneling into 10 rather small trees .
But it won't be long before the trees finally shed their leaves too -- they are deciduous, after all. And certainly by then the birds will have headed south.
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