Day Twelve -- JB's comment

The Great Horned Owl showed up in the Ramble on the day of the annual Christmas Count, December 18th. Amazing to say, it is still there, seen by Jack Meyer early this morning. According to reports from various owl followers, the fly-out has taken place around 5:00 pm for the last few nights.
As far as I know, no Great Horned Owl of the past has every stayed in Central Park for more than one day. This bird has graced us with its thrilling presence for 12 days in a row. Here is what John Blakeman has to say about this event:
"The big owl seems to be hanging around. So far, that's not overly significant. But if anyone sees a second great-horned in January or February, then things could get very interesting next winter. Great horned owls start nesting as early as December, and usually by January or early February things are well underway. If anyone sees a second great-horned, post that immediately."
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