Four eggs in peregrine scrape on Water Street

Photo by Lloyd Spitalnik
Matthew Wills posted this on e-birds yesterday. Though it is not a Central Park nest, everyone in the Central Park nature community is deeply interested in our city's nesting falcons, and the Water Street pair, having a webcam on their box, are the most famous of the lot. Too bad we don't have a camera focused on the 12th floor of Fifth Avenue and 74th Street. We'd now know how many eggs Pale Male and Lola are incubating. On the other hand it's good to have a little suspense about something in life.
. . . there are eggs at the peregrine scrape at 55 Water Street. The site,, hasn't been updated this season, but the "live birdcam" link is working. The first egg showed up last week, there were three on Monday, and I just watched the birds switch places over four eggs. That's the falcon (female) there now; you really get a nice view of the size differential when she is side-by-side with the tercel (male). Best views are in the afternoon when the bright morning sun isn't bleaching out the image.
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