Queens nestcam and other local redtail nests. PS about red-headed woodpecker
Below, a link to the Queens redtail webcam, sponsored by the New York City Audubon, showing two recently hatched chicks on a building-ledge nest in Queens.. " It will appease many sad hearts," writes website reader Paula Florio. I hope the news of other local redtail nests that follows will also help temper the disappointment so many of us feel about Pale Male & Lola's valiant third try.
Upper Manhattan
1. Inwood Hill Park
2. Highbridge Park
both have two nestlings
info about these nests from Robert Schmunk
Inwood Hill Park Mom with one of the two nestlings
Photo by Bruce Yolton http://www.urbanhawks.blogs.com
Bronx - Fordham
Hawkeye & Rose--the Fordham redtails -- April, 2007
Photo: Richard Fleischer
All looks good with the Fordham pair - Rose and Hawkeye. They are using the same nest as last year. It is located on a ledge of one of the buildings on campus. They have been sitting on the nest since approximately March 20th (same schedule as last year) and the eggs should hatch around the first week in May.
Given the horrible weather, I have not been able to get the scope out but this week's change in the weather gave me an opportunity. I attach some recent photos.
I will keep you updated.
Richard Fleisher
Political Science Department
Fordham U.Richard Fleisher
Political Science Department
For more news on the St. John the Divine and the Central Park South redtail nests, keep checking Bruce Yolton's blog http://www.urbanhawks.blogs.com
and Donna Browne's blog: Http://www.palemaleregulars.blogspot.com
PS-- Earlier this morning spent more time than usual at Riverside Drive and 92nd Street, looking for the red-headed woodpecker He didn't appear. He may be napping. Or he may be on his way somewhere else. Recent sightings, anyone?
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