Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Map of redtail locations around NYC


You [ in John Blakeman's letter, that is, MW] closed the main part of your Monday blog post with the sentence:

"There are a pile of red-tail eyasses sitting right now on NYC nests awaiting bands to answer this question."

Attached is a Google map I was maintaining of hawk sightings about the city which you might find of interest. It basically marks the spots in the pile as of a month or two ago.

The yellow and white markers are locations where active hawk nests were observed this year or last. (Ten of the 11 have been reported active this year, but I haven't heard anything about the Pelham Bay Golf Course yet.)

Green markers are reports of hawk activity. Bigger markers usually mean more reports and so one suspects a nest in the area. Some of the little green ones are close enough to nests that they may indicate some roaming around.

Purple markers were juvies were reported over the winter.


PS from Marie: I saved the map Robert B Schmunk sent me, and uploaded it to this site. It looks a bit small. I'm hoping that if you click on it it will enlarge and be more legible. In any event, thanks, Robert.

PPS: Just checked it from another window. YES! It enlarges beautifully. Now I can see how many, many redtail nests there are around the city. More than I thought.