Spotlight on two park birdwatchers

Ardith Bondi, on the photo's left, [with Rochelle Itzen] was one of the soloists in Domenico Cimarosa's Concerto for Two Flutes and Orchestra at St.Peter's Church on March 5. The Centre Symphony Orchestra accompanied. She is a top-notch Central Park birdwatcher as well as a terrific nature photographer. [And a wonderful flutist.] You can see some of her photos at

Here's Liliana Speiser again, an up-and-coming Central Park birder -- her Daddy David is one of the park's best! You met Liliana last year when she was taking her first steps. Now she's two [as of thirteen days ago] and almost all grown up. Behind Liliana is a sea turtle she admired at a recent visit to the Aquarium. Were you wondering about her birding level? Her father writes:
She has really progressed and can identify many species of birds including Eagles, Flycatchers and Owls.
PS - Speaking of flycatchers -- the migration has officially begun. The first Phoebe was seen in Prospect park yesterday [March 12] by Alex Wilson.
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