Spring is coming- and so is Starr

Starr Saphir's Spring Birdwalks in Central Park
Mon., Tues., Wed., and Sat. mornings from Tues., April 1 through Sat., May 31
Mon. and Wed. mornings from Wed., April 2 through Wed., May 28.
Where: 81st St. and Central Park West, the SE corner
When: 7:30 AM (sharp) until we run out of birds (usually 3-5 hrs.; people leave when they wish)
Tues. mornings, from Tues, April 1 through May 27.
Where: 103rd St. and Central Park West, the Park side
When: 9:00 AM (sharp) until we run out of birds
Sat. mornings, April 5 through May 31
Where: 103rd St. and Central Park West, the Park side
When: 7:30 AM (sharp), ending as above
For further information please call Starr Saphir at (917) 306-3808. No registration necessary, just show up. All walks non-smoking.
Fee: $6 for adults, $3 for full-time students. See you in the Park!
Fee: $6 for adults, $3 for full-time students. See you in the Park!
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