Friday, April 18, 2008

Tick tick tock

Nest at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine --April 8, 2008
Courtesy of

[Note: The NYC Audubon contacted the Cathedral about the nest's location so near to the construction work going on there.--you can see the scaffolding in the photo. They have tried to avoid doing any work in the nest's vicinity during the nesting season.]

As far as I know, none of the other redtail pairs nesting in New York City have had a hatch yet. All of them are expecting soon. Hank Riley of New Bedford, MA had a good, comforting thought about that:

Dear Marie, With the PM clock still ticking, could you please bring us up to date on some of the other NYC hawk pairs: when they're expecting and if/when any young have arrived? Maybe they're all a little slow this year.r