Easter Bunny and Bird Bonanza
Lee Stinchcomb, currently resident in Florida, sent all her Central Park friends the magnificent offering above . I'm passing it along.
I'm also quickly posting a list of the amazing bird bounty that arrived today, in case any of you want to rush to the park. It's not to late!!!
Ray Slyper and Mike Bryant along with an assemblage (we would hesitate to use the word "group") including Richard Zaineldeen, Andrew Rubenfeld, Barbara Saunders, Irene Payne, Liz Karp, Scott Zevon, joined by Jeff Ritter had a good morning with good birds and good company. The Worm Eating Warbler (thanks Liz Karp) had killer views by the Humming Tombstone moving toward the pathway toward the Weather Station/Castle. Hooded Warbler, on the Transverse road fence just down the steps from the Castle, looking left over the small lawn and rustic fence.
RC Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Hermit Thrush
Brown Thrasher
N Parula
Yellow Warbler
Yellow-rumped W (lots)
Palm Warbler
Black-and-White Warbler
Hooded Warbler (between the castle and Shakespeare Garden)
Worm Eating Warbler ( between Humming Tombstone and path to Castle)
Prairie Warbler
Black Throated Blue W
Black Throated Green W
Oven Bird
N Waterthrush
E Towhee
Field Sp
Chipping Sp
White-throated Sp
Song Sp
Swamp Sp
DE Junco
Blue Headed Vireo
Orchard Orioles (2)
Great Crested Fly Catcher
Rose Breasted Grosbeak.
Green Heron
N Flicker
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Red breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Rusty Black Bird (oven) Double Crested Cormorant
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