Monday, April 04, 2005

Field Notes from the Hawk Bench

Field Notes 4/03/2005

Sunset 7:24PM,
Temp. 52F,
Clouds and Rain,
Wind WNW 9MPH,
Gusts 19PMH,
Prey Tally-None Seen

4:10PM Pale Male sighted in tree W bank of Lake,
switched trees, then flew over feeding area.
4:50PM Lola deep in nest.
5:04PM Lola head up looks N then W.
5:07PM Lola shifts in nest, head south, looking west.
5:23PM Lola up, flies off nest N along 5th, then past
Oreo. Nest without hawk.
5:24PM Pale Male appears with speed from W and lands
on nest.
5:25PM Pale Male down then up, adjusts position, tail
to bench (W).
5:28PM Pale Male resituates, head to N, alert.
5:30PM Mallard count-11.
5:47PM Nest exchange. Lola in, Pale Male out N.
5:50PM Lola watches W.
6:15PM Exit.

Submitted-Donna Browne