Sunday Fledgling Report and photos
Here's a report from Bruce Yolton, accompanied by four photos. [Donna is on vacation for a week or so.] I've put one statement in big letters, for all my worried correspondents:
It's hard to take a picture through a chain link fence! But I believe the first photo, is of Fledgling 1 (Big) eating, around 5:30 Sunday. She's inside the fenced-in area of the Playground construction, slightly north and west of the Cast Iron Bridge. It was the third tree along the path from the bridge. After eating, she flew under the bridge in an south-easterly direction.
For about an hour, you could run across the West, Southbound drive and see one fledgling and then run back to see the other. Both fledglings seem to be doing just fine. [Emphasis by Marie]
Next are two photos of the one I think is Fledgling II (Little). He chased pigeons in the late afternoon/early evening (I might have to start carrying a notebook to record times) and ended up two blocks north. A Robin got annoyed with him and made a racket for at least an hour. The Robin kept with him as he returned to his normal spot. When he finally had enough he ended up on the lamp post.
The second Fledgling II shot gives you a good idea of how his wing feathers are doing.
Last is Junior, in the playground construction area. He's on one of the posts set up to protect the trees in the area from the construction equipment.
For those looking for angles to see into the fenced area, try the bridge that is fenced in from the Southbound drive but that you can still use. Also, if you climb up on the rocks north of the area (where rock climbers practice) you can also see in. This is how I shot pictures of Junior.
Although I've called the fledglings I/II and Big/Little, I've labeled the photos Playground and CPW fledgling because I'm not 100% sure who's who. I'm up for further discussion once we have some better pictures of the Playground fledgling.



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