Junior and Charlotte Update

Courtesy of PaleMale.com
Brett Odom, whose office looks out on the 35th floor ledge at 888 7th Avenue where Charlotte and Junior nested last year, [and had a successful fledgling] sent in a note a few days ago:
Marie - It definitely looks like they will be using this nesting site [at 888 7th Ave.]. I was there for an hour and both of them brought several branches and nesting material to the site.
Brett Odom
Irene Payne, who lives on Central Park South and has long been following the career of the redtail pair now preparing to nest , sent in this news a week ago:
Sunday [3/9/08] Junior and Charlotte were wandering over the park together. He had an ordinary twig, but she had a pine sprig. That was a cheery sight after the previous discussion on your page. This morning Charlotte was also about with ordinary twigs. They are getting closer!
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